Easy 15-minute Workout Routine: exercise your arms, chest, legs and glutes with this simple exercise routine –no gym equipment required.
BOTTOMS: c/o prAna || TOP: Target (love this one too from prAna) || WATCH: Garmin (similar here) ||
SHOES: Nike (my favoritem for training! I have another pair in black)
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of prAna through #WeAllGrow Latina Network. All the opinions expressed are, as always, honest and my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that support Blame it on Mei.
For a few years now I have made it a purpose to include fitness, healthy eating habits and good sleeping patterns in my lifestyle. And if you follow me on Instagram and peak at my InstaStories, you are no stranger to my meal-prepping-Mondays, which is my trick to sticking to a healthy and balanced diet during the work week. You are also no stranger to my early morning’s workout updates, that a lot of you ask me to share here on the blog. That is why today, I have partnered with prAna to demonstrate an easy 15-minute no-gym-required workout routine that will motive you to include exercise in your daily lives while looking cute, comfy, protected and sustainably conscious. Before we jump into the exercises, I want to share that these swim tights have a 50+ UPF (Ultra Violet Protection Factor) rating, dry incredible fast (because they are made from the same material as bathing suits) and are sustainably produced (see more of what this means here). So head on over to prAna.com and use code WAGLNME to get 15% off from your purchase.
Now, let’s get working…. Although I mostly workout at the gym, a little outdoor time is good for the soul. This routine is also a great alternative when traveling, since all these exercises can be reproduced in the comfort of your hotel room.
Esta es una conversación patrocinada y escrita por mí en nombre de prAna y #WeAllGrow Latina Network. Todas las opiniones expresadas, como siempre, son honestas y propias. Gracias por apoyar a las marcas que apoyan a Blame it on Mei.
Desde hace unos años, ha sido mi propósito de incluir entrenamiento físico, hábitos alimenticios saludables y buenos patrones de sueño, en mi estilo de vida. Y si siguen mis historias en Instagram, no son extraños de que a menudo, comparto como preparo mis comidas de la semana durante el lunes, que de por cierto, es mi truco para mantener una dieta sana y equilibrada durante la semana de trabajo. Tampoco son ajenos de mis entrenamientos a primeras horas de la mañana. Es por eso que hoy en día me he unido con prAna para demostrar una rutina de ejercicios de 15 minutos que no requiere un viaje al gimnasio, pero que les motivara a incluir entrenamiento físico en su vida cotidiana mientras lucen a la moda, cómodas, protegidas y conscientes sobre al sostenibilidad de prAna. Estos pantalones ajustados están clasificados a un 50+ FPS (Factor de Protección Solar), se secan increíblemente rápido (porque están hechos del mismo material que trajes de baño) y se elaboran de manera sostenible (vean más de lo que esto significa aquí). Así que diríjanse a prAna.com y usen el código WAGLNME para obtener el 15% de descuento en su compra.
Bueno ¡ahora a entrenar! Aunque usualmente entreno en el gimnasio, un poco de tiempo al aire libre es bueno para el alma. Esta rutina es también una gran alternativa cuando viajan, ya que todos los ejercicios se pueden reproducir en la comodidad de la habitación de su hotel.[/one_half_last]
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete each set of exercises before continuing to the next one.
Rest 30 seconds between each exercise.
INSTRUCCIONES: Completar cada conjunto de ejercicios antes de continuar con el siguiente.
Descanse 30 segundos entre cada ejercicio.
WARM UP | Jump rope – 2 mins.
CALENTAMIENTO | Cuerda de salto – 2 mins.
TRICEPS | Dips – 2 sets of 1 min. each
TRICEPS | Fondos – 2 repeticiones de 1 min. cada uno
⇓ ⇓
CHEST | Push-ups – 2 sets of 1 min. each
PECHO | Lagartijas/Planchas – 2 repeticiones de 1 min. cada una
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THIGHS + CALVES | Squat Jumps – 2 sets of 1 min. each
MUSLOS + PANTORRILLAS | Saltos en sentadillas – 2 repeticiones de 1 min. cada una
QUADS + GLUTES | Leg Lift – 2 sets of 1 min. each
CUÁDRICEPS + GLÚTEOS | Elevación de pierna – 2 repeticiones de 1 min. cada una
QUADS + GLUTES | Regular Squats – 2 sets of 1 min. each
CUÁDRICEPS + GLÚTEOS | Sentadillas regulares – 2 repeticiones de 1 min. cada una
STRETCH | 1-2 minutes
I personally prefer to stretch after a workout, instead of before. The main reasons are; helps your muscles to recover faster and also avoids soreness. I have read there is no definitive proof that it helps before a workout.
ESTIRAMIENTO | 1 -2 minutos
Yo personalmente prefiero estirarme después de un entrenamiento, en lugar de antes. La razón principal es porque ayuda a los músculos a recuperarse más rápido y también evita el dolor. He leído que no hay prueba definitiva de que ayuda antes de un entrenamiento.
This is motivating me to get back into the gym! I needed this!
So happy to know! 🙂
This is awesome! These workouts seem easy enough that I might try them out!
Sarah Lindner
Hi Sarah,
You definitely should 🙂
Thank you for the work-out gifs! These actually look do-able! Love the leggings!
Hi Nicole!
They are SUPER easy, hope you give them a try 🙂
This is such an amazing post! Seriously one of the coolest posts I have seen in a while. Love the actual little GIFs of you working out. (GIF? you know what I’m trying to say!). love it!
Happy Monday Lauren! So happy to know you liked it 🙂
Love a fun colored workout outfit- makes me more motivated to workout! And love seeing your quick workout idea!
Happy Friday Shira!
Fun workout clothe definitely motivates our workouts 🙂
I love how you showed your workouts, and the outfit is so cool!!
xo Alessia
Hi Alessia!
Happy to know you loved it 🙂
You look amazing!! Love this workout girl!!
Thanks so much Ruth! 🙂 Hope you give it a try.
SUCH a fun post! Teach me your video ways!
Thanks babe! It’s a gif, you can do it in Photoshop 🙂
this workout looks awesome! I need to give it a go!
Hi Shelby,
You should definitely give it a try 🙂
I love your outfit and this workout looks great! I am going to need to give it a try!
Thanks Nataly! The pants are super comfy 🙂
How incredibly cool that you animated these workouts! What a good way to demo!
xx, Danielle | Pineapple & Prosecco
Thanks love! Happy Thursday!
Love this post Mei. You could really tell it was really thought out and put together…you’re amazing 🙂
Thanks for the motivation.;)
Happy you liked it Esteph… let me know if you try it 🙂
Love those leggings!!!
They are super comfy and dry incredibly fast!