
Healthy Recipe: Vegetarian Grain Bowls Meal Prep (2-in-1 meals)

Blame it on Mei, @blameitonmei, Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Healthy Recipe, Vegetarian Meal Prep

An easy-to-make, healthy and very yummy vegetarian vegetable grain bowl meal prep recipe that allows you to make two meals in one. Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Miami Mommy Blogger.


Who doesn’t I love an easy-to-make meal prep recipe?! And when it’s a yummy one that also happens to be a two-in-one option, well, the least I can say is #score!

I’ve made this recipe a few times already and what I love the most is the combo of vegetables and the uber popular Greek tzatziki-like dressing.

Enough chatting, let’s get to it.


¿A quién no le encanta una receta que es fácil de hacer? Y cuando se trata de una que es deliciosa y también resulta ser una opción donde puedes hacer dos platos en uno, bueno, lo menos que puedo decir es ¡por fin!

Ya he hecho esta receta un par de veces y lo que más me gusta es la combinación de verduras y el aderezo parecido al famoso tzatziki griego.

Así que basta de hablar, y continuemos con la receta.


[one_half]Blame it on Mei, @blameitonmei, Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Healthy Recipe, Vegetarian Meal Prep

[/one_half][one_half_last]Blame it on Mei, @blameitonmei, Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Healthy Recipe, Vegetarian Meal Prep


[one_half]Blame it on Mei, @blameitonmei, Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Healthy Recipe, Vegetarian Meal Prep

[/one_half][one_half_last]Blame it on Mei, @blameitonmei, Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Healthy Recipe, Vegetarian Meal Prep





Blame it on Mei, @blameitonmei, Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger, Healthy Recipe, Vegetarian Meal Prep