A recipe with zucchini you won’t want to miss! This super simple recipe is my all-time favorite when I don’t have a lot of time to cook but want something healthy. It is so flavorful and way under 300 calories. Miami Fashion Lifestyle Blogger
One of my main goals after finding out I was preggers (check out the baby announcement here) was to continue my healthy eating habits. Although I have to admit, I have given in to a few guilty pleasures, but hey! Why not?
This recipe is by far one of my all-time favorite healthy options when I crave something flavorful and don’t have much time to cook. All the recipes I’ve shared so far are vegetarian and sometimes vegan friendly, but you can easily add your protein of choice and it will be just as good. For example, I can imagine this one with ground turkey or shredded chicken. This will add a few minutes to your overall cooking and prepping time, but it will be just as worth it.
Hope you decide to make it for yourself, let me now if you do!
Una de mis principales metas después de descubrir que estaba embarasda (echen un vistazo al anuncio aquí) fue continuar con mis hábitos alimenticios saludables. Aunque tengo que admitir, he cedido a algunos antojos no tan saludables, pero por qué no, ¿verdad?
Esta receta es una de mis opciones saludables favoritas cuando deseo algo sabroso y no tengo mucho tiempo para cocinar. Todas las recetas que he compartido hasta ahora son vegetarianas y algunas veces veganas, pero pueden agregar fácilmente su proteína preferida y será igual de bueno. Por ejemplo, me puedo imaginar esta con picadillo de pavo o pollo desmenuzado. Esto agregará unos minutos a su tiempo general de cocción y preparación, pero valdrá la pena.
Espero que decidan tratar esta receta, ¡déjame saber si lo hacen!

- • 1 zucchini
- • 1/4 cup finely diced bell pepper
- • 1 tablespoon feta cheese
- • 1/4 cup finely diced kale or spinach
- • 2 tablespoon mozzarella cheese
- • 2 tablespoon salsa or diced fresh tomatoes
- • 1 tablespoon sour cream
- • Cumin (to taste)
- • Oregano (to taste)
- • Garlic powder (to taste)
- Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees F.
- Slice the zucchini in half and gently scoop out the seeds, leaving about a half-inch rim all the way around.
- Put the zucchini on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray, white side down. That’s how you get the nice brown around the edges.
- Spray the zucchini again and sprinkle with garlic powder.
- Bake 15 minutes and check to peek if the rim is golden brown. If not, let bake a little longer.
- Meanwhile, sauté the bell pepper and kale/spinach with cooking spray and a small dash of cumin,
- oregano, and garlic powder.
- After the veggies are done, mix with the feta and salsa or tomatoes.
- After the zucchini is done, press the mix down so it stays put, and top with mozzarella cheese,
- again pressing it down a little. Add red-pepper flakes for a little heat if you'd like to.
- Put the boats back into the oven for 5-8 minutes until the mozzarella is melted.
- over black beans and cilantro-lime rice with a dollop of sour cream.