<< TOP: Old Navy (similar) | SKIRT: ChicWish (similar #1, similar #2, similar #3) | NECKLACE: J.Crew (similar) | RING: Henri Bendel (similar) | BRACELET: Henri Bendel (Bendel Rox Skinny Bangle & similar) and Tiffany & Co. ‘T-Wire’ (affordable option) | CLUTCH: Gucci ‘Soho’ (affordable option) | WATCH: Montblanc ‘TimeWalker’ (affordable option) | HEELS: Christian Louboutin ‘So Kate’ (affordable option #1, #2) | SUNGLASSES: Miu Miu | NAIL POLISH: CND ‘Cake Pop’ | LIPSTICK: MAC ‘So Chaud’ >>
I sure had quite a busy weekend a few Sundays ago for I was part of two equally awesome events! Some of my gorgeous blogger babes and I hosted “Brunch with a Purpose” in support of City Year Miami and Femme Realm’s prom dress drive. We collected over 30 dresses that day, can’t believe it! Thanks to everyone who came and donated! The brunch took place at a local Miami spot, Casabe 305 Bistro, a cozy restaurant featuring yummy Venezuelan dishes.
You can check out the rest of the beautiful blogger babes who participated in this beautiful cause: Lia from A Girl in her Thirties, Estephanie from Miss Estephanie, Alyssa from My Petite Life, Laura from The Fashion Diva and Laura from Twenty Teenz.
As the day progressed, I was off to Univision studios where I was backstage in the filming of “Nuestra Belleza Latina” (a beauty pageant and reality show) to meet the designer who would dress the contestants that night. Would you believe me if I told you the designer was Michael Costello? Contestant from Project Runway, designer to the stars and most impressively an extremely humble and lovely individual? And let’s get one thing straight, he is not of Romanian descent, #DontBeliveWikipedia! I naively asked him about it and with the nicest tone of voice corrected me, and explained that he actually has Greek, Italian and Russian lineage #LoveYouMichael!
Hace algunos fines de semanas atrás tuve un domingo muy ocupado porque felizmente participe en dos eventos ¡igualmente impresionantes! Algunas de mis preciosas compañeras blogueras y yo organizamos “Brunch with a Purpose (Almuerzo con un Propósito) en apoyo a City Year Miami y Femme Realm en su colecta de vestido para chicas que asistirían a su prom (fiesta de graduación que toma lugar en la noche). Llegamos a colectar más de 30 vestidos ese día, ¡no lo puedo creer! Muchas gracias a todos los que asistieron y donaron. El almuerzo tuvo lugar en Casabe 305 Bistro, un restaurante local de Miami que de por cierto es muy acogedor y ofrece platos deliciosos venezolanos.
Echen un vistazo al resto de mis amigas blogueras que participaron en esta linda causa: Lia de A Girl in her Thirties, Estephanie de Miss Estephanie, Alyssa de My Petite Life, Laura de The Fashion Diva y Laura de Twenty Teenz.
A medida que avanzaba el día, me dirigí a los estudios de Univision donde estaba detrás del escenario en el rodaje de “Nuestra Belleza Latina” (un concurso de belleza y reality show) para conocer al diseñador que vestiría a las concursantes de esa noche ¿Me creerían si les digo que el diseñador era Michael Costello? Concursante de Project Runway, diseñador de las estrellas, pero más impresionante es que es un individuo extremadamente humilde y agradable. Y vamos a dejar una cosa clara, él no es de origen rumano ¡#NoLeCreanAWikipedia! Ingenuamente le pregunté y con el más amable tono de voz me corrigió, y explicó que en realidad tiene griego, italiano y ruso en su linaje #LoveYouMichael!
mei–congrats on all these events lady!! i am so happy for you (if you cannot already tell on instagram) . had to drop by to tell you how much i love that gingham button down with a white midi skirt; making it into a more casual look! love it babe and one day i will have to try it. ps–always amaze me with your photos. xoxo,
janna | http://www.jannadoan.com
Thanks so much love!!! It’s actually the first time I try something like that and loved how it came out! Might have to get more gingham shirts now 🙂
Effortlessly chic darling!
As always!
Hi Kat,
Thanks so much!
You looked phenomenal! <3 Always so beautiful. I really loved this combo you did with this outfit. And thank you so much for sneaking me in there :* Kisses
Laura | http://www.twentyteenz.com
Hi beautiful!
Thanks so much for your sweet compliment…