This post is brought to you by HydraFacial and The Motherhood. All the opinions expressed are, as always, honest and my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that make this blog possible.
Hi loves!
Recently I shared on my Instagram stories that I was invited by the HydraFacial team to try a treatment. And let me just say, YOU NEED TO TRY THIS AT LEAST ONCE! AND SOON! Full disclosure though, you will be obsessed with the results and will go back for more 🙂 (like I will).
As busy working gals, moms, or both, more often than not, we lose our sense of self care. And that’s totally fine, because we simply get caught up with life. However, let’s try to not make this a habit for the sake of our children, partner, family and ourselves; we strongly need to weave in some “me-time” in our daily routines. Meaning, that we need some alone time to do whatever we enjoy most. It can be anything really, and it doesn’t have to take many hours. Things like going out for a walk, taking a hot bath, drinking your favorite wine while sitting outside your patio/balcony or looking outside your window, taking an extra 5 minutes to enjoy your favorite tune, etc.
Esta publicación es presentada por HydraFacial y The Motherhood Todas las opiniones expresadas, como siempre, son honestas y propias. Gracias por apoyar a las marcas que hacen este blog posible.
¡Hola amores!
Recientemente compartí en mis historias de Instagram que fui invitada por el equipo de HydraFacial para probar su tratamiento. Y permítanme decirles: ¡NECESITAN PROBARLO POR LO MENOS UNA VEZ! ¡Y PRONTO! Sin embargo, les advierto que estarán obsesionadas con los resultados y regresarán por más (como lo haré yo).
Como mujeres trabajadoras, mamás, o ambas, la mayoría de las veces perdemos nuestro sentido de cuidado personal. Y eso está totalmente bien, porque simplemente la vida nos envuelve y olvidamos de nuestras necesidades personales. Sin embargo, tratemos de no hacer de esto un hábito por el bien de nuestros hijos, pareja, familia y nosotras mismas; indudablemente necesitamos dedicar en nuestras rutinas diarias un poco de tiempo para nosotras. Es decir, necesitamos un tiempo a solas para hacer lo que más disfrutamos. Puede ser cualquier cosa en realidad, y no tiene que tomar muchas horas. Cosas como salir a caminar, tomar un baño caliente, beber nuestro vino favorito mientras nos sentamos en el patio/balcón o mirando por la ventana, tomarnos 5 minutos adicionales para disfrutar de nuestra melodía favorita, etc.
This year, I made it a priority to dedicate more time for myself. And no, this is not selfish at all. Let me explain. In order to maintain a healthy mental state (read keep my sanity), be happy around my baby, husband, family, friends and content about work, I will be doing more things that bring me joy (#mariekondo for the win in all aspects of our life!).
I began by adding a few minutes to my beauty routine, like applying a face mask or using my rose quartz roller (will be sharing what the fuss is all about with face rollers soon!). So when the HydraFacial team reached out and explained a bit about what the treatment can do and how little time it takes (30 mins.), I was ecstatic to try it because it fits right in with my new take on self-love.
Este año, tome como prioridad dedicarme más tiempo para mí. Y no, esto no es ser egoísta en absoluto. Déjenme explicarles. Con el fin de mantener un estado mental saludable (lean mantener mi cordura), ser feliz con mi bebé, esposo, familia, amigos y trabajo, haré más cosas que me alegrarán (¡#mariekondo en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida!).
Comencé agregando unos minutos a mi rutina de belleza, como aplicar una mascarilla o usar mi rodillo de cuarzo (¡compartiré de qué se trata todo esto con los rodillos para el rostro pronto!). Entonces, cuando el equipo de HydraFacial me contacto y explicó un poco acerca de lo que puede hacer el tratamiento y de lo poco que tarda (30 minutos), estaba súper contenta de intentarlo porque encaja perfectamente con mi nuevo carácter de amor propio.


If you don’t know much about this treatment, it is administered by an aesthetician (I had mine done at Bay Pointe Dermatology, and Jenny is a dream!) with a medical-grade hydradermabrasion device. It sounds a bit intimidating, but it really isn’t, just stay with me. The non-invasive patented process cleanses, extracts, and hydrates the skin with specific serums tailored to meet the needs of YOUR skin type. It yields better results than the conventional facial, especially since there is no downtime and barely no irritation involved. Just take a peek at my Instagram Highlights titled ‘HydraFacial’ to see behind the scenes of the before, during and after treatment. And as far as pain, there is absolutely none! you will only feel a bit of suction in each of the steps.
Another thing that I loved about the treatment is that it appeals to nearly all ages, complexions and concerns. And as per HydraFacials loyal customers, with on-going visits you will notice enhanced hydration, minimized dark spots and improvement with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. However, immediately after my first treatment my skin was glowy, supple and hydrated. My hubby even complemented on how nice my skin looked (3 days after the actual treatment! Another double whammy!).
Si no saben mucho sobre este tratamiento, es administrado por una esteticista (¡hice el mío en Bay Pointe Dermatology, y Jenny es un sueño!) con una máquina de hidradermabrasión de grado médico. Suena un poco intimidante, pero en realidad no lo es. El proceso patentado no es invasivo, limpia, extrae e hidrata la piel con sueros específicamente diseñados para satisfacer las necesidades de TU piel. Produce mejores resultados que el tratamiento facial convencional, especialmente porque no hay tiempo de recuperación ni irritación. Solo echen un vistazo a mis destacados de Instagram titulado ‘HydraFacial‘ para ver detrás de la escena del antes, durante y después del tratamiento. Y en cuanto al dolor, ¡no se siente absolutamente nada! Solo un poco de succión en cada uno de los pasos.
Otra cosa que me encantó del tratamiento es que es bueno para casi todas las edades, cutis y preocupaciones. Y según los clientes leales de HydraFacial, con las visitas continuas notarán su piel más hidratada, minimiza las manchas y mejora las líneas y arrugas. Sin embargo, inmediatamente después de mi primer tratamiento, mi piel estaba luminosa e hidratada. Mi esposo incluso me halago con lo bien que mi rostro se veía (¡3 días después del tratamiento!).
I am really looking forward to continuing these treatments (at least once a month). My goal is to improve the complexion of my skin –I have a few dark spots caused my sun exposure—and boost hydration
PS: A few tips from Jenny the aesthetician (please keep in mind that these tips are meant for my skin concerns. I have dry and somewhat sensitive skin with dark spots).
- Introduce a cleansing brush (like the Clarisonic) to your nighttime routine three times a week.
- Apply vitamin C-rich products to help even out skin tone (read reduce dark spots). I am using this one in my AM routine and this one in my nighttime routine (you can try this trial/travel set of these two).
- Apply sun protection (even if you are indoors). I use this one.
- If you apply more than two face masks per day, don’t do so back to back. Allow the product to sink in and do its job. For example, use a depuffing mask in the morning and a hydrating or cleansing one before bedtime.
- Get a HydraFacial once a month.
- Drink plenty of water.
Tengo planeado continuar con este procedimiento (al menos una vez al mes). Mi objetivo es mejorar mi rostro ya que tengo algunas manchas oscuras causadas por el sol y también mantener mi piel hidratada ya que padezco de piel seca después del embarazo.
PD: Algunos consejos de Jenny, la esteticista (por favor, tengan en cuenta que estos consejos están destinados a mi tipo de piel. Mi rostro es seco, con manchas oscuras y algo sensible).
- Introduzca un cepillo de limpieza (como el Clarisonic) a su rutina tres veces por semana.
- Aplicar productos ricos en vitamina C para ayudar a igualar el tono de su piel (lean para reducir las manchas oscuras). Yo uso este en la mañana y este en la noche (pueden probarlos en tamaño pequeño aquí).
- Aplicar protección solar siempre (yo uso este).
- Si se aplican más de dos mascarillas por día, no aplique la segunda inmediatamente después de la primera. Permitan que el producto se hunda y haga su trabajo. Por ejemplo, use una mascarilla para reducir hinchazón por la mañana y una hidratante antes de acostarse.
- Acudir a un especialista para hacerse un HydraFacial una vez al mes.
- Beber mucha agua.
I love the benefits that the Hydrafacial experience brings and the fact that it’s painless is even better! I need to try it out one day! Thank you for sharing this valuable information Mei! #meigiveaway
The fact that it’s not painful and helps with dark spots is encouraging. Looking to take care of my facial needs. Thanks for the info! #meigiveaway
Oh this is cool! I had never heard of it before but now I’m definitely intrigued! Thanks for sharing! Xo
I need to try this!! I loved reading the tips. #meigiveaway
Oh! I’ve been wanting to try a hydra facial, but I hadnt done much research on it yet.
Im so excited to look up an aesthetician in my area that does them. My goal for this year was better self care (body mind and soul) as well! I’ve found a lot of people are currently into self care as their goal for 2019.
I had not heard is this kind of facial but I’m curious to try it now. Also, thanks for the tips! 😉
Xx, Nailil
This post is awesome! I was so impressed when I see all the impurities in the picture, I think I have a good skin but I’m absolutely trying it!
I love hydras! They have been a lifesaver for my dehydrated skin! #meigiveaway
I haven’t done this before but I’m intrigued. Thanks for sharing your experience! #meigiveaway
Love your blog #meigiveaway
i’ve been getting one once a month for 4 years! they are my fave!!
Tell me all about it!!! As I mentioned in the post, I want to do the same… at least once a month.
This is absolutely amazing! I love this post!
Thanks so much Amy! I haven’t been able to be back but I am planing to get another one real soon 🙂
I just was looking into hydrafacials! This looks like a must try!
I’ve been wanting one of these for so long! I love the results I’ve seen
Hi Torey,
You should definitely try it 🙂
I have been hearing about this for so long now. It looks amazing. I will need to try for sure.
Hi Megan,
You will love it!! I guarantee it 🙂
Definitely is a must-have facial! I love that it is tailored to your personal needs!
cute & little
Exactly! It really is one of the best treatments I have done. And because its great for any skin type of concern, everyone has awesome results.
Mercy! What the canister auctioned out was incredible! This looks like a must try! I’ll certainly be trying it!
Hi Nonee,
Tell me about it! You don’t realize how many impurities your skin can hold 🙂