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I’ve always wanted to try Pilates, especially after all the celebrity buzz surrounding it. So when NuShape Studios reached out to me to try its new Downtown location I couldn’t contain my excitement. Not only because I would finally give it a try but also because the “A new kind of Pilates” headline intrigued me. As I continued to read I realized I was so going to love it. Why? Because I enjoy a good workout challenge and because it wasn’t the usual Pilates; it was “Pilates on steroids”.
When I arrived, I was greeted by my instructor, Christopher, who kindly explained the basics. Throughout the 50-minute session Christopher (and the music choice) always encouraged to keep on, since each exercise should be slowly performed for the duration of 60 seconds (harder said than done and oh boy that burn is real ladies!). One of the reasons why this type of workout has been termed the new generation of Pilates is because of its MegaReformer machine and exercise approach called Lagree Fitness™. It was created for the intention of slow and controlled movements as opposed to fast and numerous ones. This in turn, works out your slow-twitch muscle fibers in a shorter amount of time (in the long-term) than what usually takes with body-weight exercise. Despite the challenging workout sesh and my aching muscles (which is a true indication of how good the workout was) I will be returning soon!
Want to experience it for yourself? Receive 20% off the packages when you sign up, use promo code BLOG20 at checkout. Get your workout on soon because it expires February 8th!
Location: 121 SE 2nd Ave., Downtown, Miami 33131
Contact: 305-967-7516 or [email protected]
PS. I have to thank Daniela (pictured), which happens to be one of the instructors, because without her I probably wouldn’t have been able to complete the different moves.
Siempre he querido intentar Pilates, especialmente después de toda la fama que ha tenido por las celebridades que lo practican. Así que cuando NuShape Studios me ofreció una invitación a su nuevo local no pude contener mi emoción. No sólo porque finalmente tuviera la oportunidad de practicar este ejercicio, sino porque el título “Un nuevo tipo de Pilates” me intrigó. A medida que continué leyendo me di cuenta que me iba a encantar ¿Por qué? porque disfruto de un buen reto de entrenamiento y porque no era el Pilates habitual; era “Pilates en esteroides”.
Cuando llegué, me recibió mi instructor, Christopher, que amablemente me explicó lo básico. A lo largo de la sesión de 50 minutos, Christopher (y la elección musical) siempre nos animaba a seguir, ya que cada ejercicio se debe realizar lentamente durante el transcurso de 60 segundos (más fácil dicho que hecho y chicas el ardor durante esos 60 segundos es real). Una de las razones por las que este tipo de entrenamiento se ha denominado la nueva generación de Pilates es debido a la máquina MegaReformer y el ejercicio llamado Lagree Fitness™. Fue creado con la intensión de movimientos lentos y controlados en lugar de rápidos y numerosos. Esto a su vez, hace que las fibras musculares de contracción lenta se desarrollen más rápido (a largo plazo) que con ejercicio de pesas corporales. A pesar de la desafiante sesión de ejercicio y mis músculos adoloridos (que es una verdadera indicación de lo bien que el entrenamiento fue) regresare muy pronto.
¿Quieres experimentarlo por ti misma? Recibe 20% de descuento en los paquetes de entrenamiento utilizando el código promocional BLOG20 al momento de pagar. Reserve su paquete pronto, ya que la promoción expira el 8 de Febrero.
Ubicación: 121 SE 2nd Ave., Downtown, Miami 33131
Contacto: 305-967-7516 o [email protected]
Nota: Tengo que agradecer a Daniela (la chica en las fotografías), que de paso es una de las instructoras, ya que por ella pude imitar y realizar los diferentes movimientos.
mei–great post. as i shared with you on instagram, i am a huge fan of lagree fitness and your post is spot on. when i took my first class a few years ago, i was hooked. aside from fashion, this is also a passion of mine! it always helps when you have a great, passionate instructor and upbeat music. and YES, the BURN IS REAL!!! it’s all about that shake!! #embracetheshake. now i just need to find the time to blog, work full time, and instruct!!! lol. thanks so much for sharing! #cantstopwontstop,
janna | http://www.jannadoan.com
Thanks beautiful! Yesterday was my second class, getting better and loving it. I sure know how it feels to want to do so much in such little time 😛
I want to go so bad! I will be getting my class soon, it seems such a fun work out. <3
Laura | http://www.twentyteenz.com
I recommend it so much Laura!!! You will be sore but you will LOVE IT! 😛