As our departure day came closer, we lamented the fact that we hadn’t booked our stay for a few more days; there was still so much more we wanted to do! My consolation price was knowing I would soon visit England’s most mysterious sites of all, Stonehenge. Now, I have to confess, my hubby and I were a little on the fence as to whether we should actually visit, since the trip would take almost the entire day. But we made up our minds and decided to go, so glad we did!
Many may be disappointed when they arrive to Stonehenge and only find a few concentric circles of stones, however you have to understand that this site represents an incredible engineering achievement since many of the boulders were moved many miles away to this location (the heaviest stone is 40 tons). Many theories surround this mystical site, from the belief that it is a religious temple, to it being an astronomical clock, but instead I invite you to visit and decide for yourself.
Want to see more photos from my trip to London, click here and here… enjoy!
A medida que nuestro día de partida se acercaba, lamentamos el hecho de que no habíamos reservado nuestra estancia por unos días más; ¡todavía había mucho más que queríamos hacer! Mi consuelo era saber que pronto visitaríamos unos de los sitios más misteriosos de Inglaterra, Stonehenge. Sin embargo, tengo que confesar que mi esposo y yo estábamos un poco dudosos si deberíamos visitar este sitio, ya que el viaje tomaría casi todo el día. Pero al fin, decidimos ir y estuvimos ¡encantados de haberlo hecho!
Muchos pueden decepcionarse al llegar a Stonehenge y sólo encontrar unos círculos concéntricos de piedras, sin embargo hay que entender que este sitio representa un increíble logro de ingeniería ya que muchas de las piedras fueron trasladadas desde muchas millas de distancia a este lugar (la piedra más pesada es de 40 toneladas). Existen muchas teorías que rodean este misterioso sitio, desde la creencia de que es un templo religioso, a que es un reloj astronómico, pero los invito a visitar y que decidan por sí mismo.
Your outfit is so cute and modern! I really want that scarf. Your sense of style is amazing 🙂
Aww thanks so sweet Jannely… thanks so much !!!! 🙂
What an amazing site to take photos in. Gorgeous look too! I love the saddle bag!
Abby of Life in the Fash Lane
Thanks so much Abby!
We really enjoyed Stongehenge, actually London overall… Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Love this outfit! Simon is going to be so jealous when I show him where you were 😛
Thanks Izzy! Is it understandable that we want to go back like… yesterday lol! We loved London 🙂